

So, it's 2015 and I've decided, as most do, to make some goals for this year, which I thought I'd share.

One of them is to be more interactive with regards to blogging/Instagram, as I have strayed away from doing so in the last six months or so (sorry for the following backlog of posts). If I'm honest, not posting was due to a confidence flaw type thing, but why should I care what other people think? I'm almost 21 now *panic attack*/*hyperventilates* and they say that the 20s are your selfish years. Me, me, me. Who cares what other people think? (Within reason.) Time to focus on what makes me happy!

Anyway, I'm going off at a tangent so here are my resolutions/general aspirations/goals as of this year.

-Be more positive (goodness me this is a toughie)
-Be more conservative with money (but the sales...HELP)
-Be more resourceful
-Say YES to everything (WITHIN REASON OK)
-Make an effort to socialise more (lunch breaks do not count anymore)
-Actually use my gym membership (gonna be looking/feeling like a VS model this summer totally ;))
-Work hard and stay focused for my exams/essays etc
-Do that grown up thing and um, grow up a little? Hmmm.
-Get work experience. 
-Move to Brighton.
-Get a sustainable job.
-Apply for uni (again...damn you UCAS!)

That's as far as I've gotten right now, it's almost midnight so there's probably a load of grammatical sleepy errors, and that's all I can remember at the top of my head for now (I actually hand-wrote a list, that I did ;)) -watch this space- I might add more!


Ps. Oooh I forgot one - to be happy. Don't let anything get (me/you) down :-)

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