This is going to be a short post. I am obsessed with NAKD Bars and have been for the longest. I always stock up on them when they're reduced down to 50p in the supermarket (MySupermarket is literally the best thing ever for quick comparison, I'll probably do a post on it sometime).
Anyways, back to the post, NAKD has recently come out with a new flavour in their bars (well, two if you count the Lemon Drizzle, but that's been out for a while and I'm not a fan of lemon so...*shrugs*), and the other one is "Blueberry Muffin". Now let me tell you, I'm not a fan of cakes but I used to LOVE blueberry muffins, and made healthy alternatives for breakfast all the time!
What I love about this bar in particular, is that they've got actual bits of blueberries in them! They've got the flavour PERFECTLY. My absolute favourite was Bakewell's a close 2nd now 
So, after all that I'd date it 10/10 for everything *off the buy a case load*